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Digital marketing or Internet Marketing Jobs also covers titles such as Online Marketing manager, E-marketing manager, E-Commerce manager, website marketing jobs, search engine marketing jobs, Strategy or Channel manager; Internet or Digital transformation manager. On this page Employers can post a job, or anyone can look for one! – and everyone can take part in our Attitude, Skills and Knowledge Survey (no registration required, instant results – help us define this market!)
Internet (Online) Marketing Management Jobs 
It could be argued that although the fundamental objectives of marketing may not have changed much over the last few years, the methods and tools available to marketing managers and senior executives certainly have.
How should the job market embrace this new challenge?  Can marketing executives tasked with strategy and execution decisions still be successful, competitive and thought-leading without a genuine understanding of the internet, social media and digitial marketing?
Finding a balanced skill set withing a team may be difficult -  and within one person even more so!  Effective deployment of suppliers, as with employees, requires more than just a passing understanding of the headlines and trends.  Professional marketing managers with the right blend of current skills and experience are in short supply – however the right individual could make a tremendous difference to an organization’s fortunes.
Other Job titles typically associated with this Job Family
Chief Marketing Officer, Internet Marketing Assistant Jobs, Marketing Coordinator Jobs, Online Marketing Manager, E Marketing, E-Commerce, Strategy or Channel manager; Internet or Digital transformation manager.
Attributes, Skills and Competencies
Successful recruitment matches a person’s skills, attributes and competencies with the role – many of these jobs didn’t even exist a few years ago. We thought it would be useful to collect your views and help shape the market. Complete the survey below to get instant results – no registration required!

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