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Earn Through Bidvertiser

Question : What is Bidvertiser?
Answer : Bidvertiser is a successful (Bid per click) pay per click programs.

Reasons of Rising :-

1. Due to rise of advertising industry and requirement of website owners to sell their ad space directly to advertisers also avoid disadvantages of automated systems like Google AdSense and yahoo! overture content match.
2. Bpath the founder who started Site targeted market place named Bidvertiser on 2003.
3. In earlier days there is any control of ads quality, Pricing and timing by both publisher and advertisers.

How Overcome the issues :-

1. To overcome these issues bidvertiser have unique technology to control advertisements by both publishers and advertisers. Bidvertiser is another successful (Bid per click) pay per click programs.
2. Also advertisers can place ads directly to the publishers website by their choice and pay only when the visitor click their advertisements.

Attractive Features :-

1. Bidvertiser offers you all type of Ads
(i) Standard ad units,
(ii) Banners,
(iii) Button ads,
(iv) Skyscrapers and
(v) In-line ads too.
2. Bidvertiser pay
(i) Through paypal too to their publishers
(ii) The minimum payout of $10USD.
(iii) The receiving payment from bidvertiser is very fast.
(iv) Also Bidvertiser promises to display the highest paying bidders advertisements on the publishers website.
(v) Publishers getting more revenue than other pay per click programs.
3. In Bidvertiser you can easily customize your advertisements to balance with layout of the website.
4. This ensures you to getting more clicks and more revenue.
5. Also you can filter unwanted ads to be displayed in your website.
6. It gives you a peace of mind with regards to the ads displayed on your website.
7. Detailed Reorts :-


  1. Dear Sir, i am happy to see your adsense still running. i have a wordpress blog. http;//watchonairtv.com . but in december it got banned (layout seems to be accidently click). i have some good income from adsense. Now what to do. any chance to get another adsesne or any other network for pakistan.

    Waqas Hassan

  2. Sir Bidvertiser sey pakistan mai Western Union kay zarye money melty hai

  3. Here is full review bidvertiser for Pakistanic user http://www.girlscellnumber.com/2013/08/bidvertiser-review-for-pakistani-user.html

  4. Hi Friends Get All Information About Bidvertiser http://sofiyahayat.blogspot.com/2013/10/how-to-earn-money-from-your-blog-with.html

  5. Hi Friends Get All Information...


  6. Is it pay in pakistan? west union ???

  7. But Mr rizwan one of my friend Went to collect the payment through western union They said You got the payment from Israel company we can,t pay you.Bidvertiser is Israel company so we can,t pay u...

  8. i have a blog http://englishwritingspksl.blogspot.com/
    but i cant earn
    i dont have ads
    can you help me plz so i can bear ps4 game's burden

  9. Are you trying to earn money from your visitors via popunder advertisments?
    In case you do, have you ever consider using PopAds?

  10. Bidvertiser can be used in Pakistan and from many other countries as it is simple as compared with adsense. Another site for making money in Pakistan is http://shareca.sh/r/L67956 which can be used and money can be made on per download basis. Many other sites are also available for people in Pakistan to make money online like https://www.freelancer.com/affiliates/ashrafnauman. Good luck.
