uniques ways to earn money online
8 Exclusive tips for guiding the way to make money online.
all about earning faster
Different ways to make money through blogs?
Learn how to make thousands of dollars.
You can make thousands of dollars $$$ money in your balance if you try something which i am going to tell you. In case you have a blog with decent articles and traffic and also you can get paid for just
page rank of your blog just find out how to make it count.The first one we will take is the
They say that with a little hard work and marketing their Posties can easily make $500 a month or more. some also make more than that.
Can i join it what are requirement
Blog must be online for already 90 days and with 20 pre-existing posts.
They allow blogs that are hosted by blogger.
Not allowed — BlogCharm, BloggerParty, WritingUp or some other sites which are like the
ones mentioned.
Method of payment is through Paypal.
what is it and how it works
It says
Earn money with every posting
Get paid weekly via Paypal
No advertising required, just your opinions
Only post the stories that interest you
Create multiple blogs to earn more
Does not conflict with ad campaigns on your site
Some traffic.
Blog must be indexed in google and yahoo.
3 posts per week and atleast 3 months old
How much money can I make per posting?
The standard amount is $5
and rest depends on the sponsor.
Blogvertise – How it works.
they just make their registered members to talk on a particular task or topic this increase
their sponsors wide visibility over net.These topics are mailed to you frequently.you get
payment through paypal.
They also suggest some of the free resources for the persons which have no blogs.
Criteria of blog selection is not defined if you get no response it means they have rejected
Every 2 weeks via PayPal.
loudlaunch.com http://www.loudlaunch.com
what are their requirements
Bloggers Requirements
* 18 years or older — which many blogger are
* Verifiable Paypal Account — go make here at paypal.com
* Verifiable 2 month old blog — this is a must
* Verifiable readership
* Basic knowledge of HTML — after all you have to do something also na.
here is how it goes
Register for an account — it’s free.
Add your blog or blogs for review.
Following your blog(s) approval view Advertiser’s “Live Campaigns”
Select to Blog about Campaign Releases that match your interests
Blog away, add our small disclosure statement, and earn
Get money paid every 30 days!
They also have a discretionary review before selecting a blogger..what is it.
They make it insure in this review that your blog adds some value for thier advertiser.They
also look on quality of content, frequency of updates, topics.
as the name suggests this service provider ask you to submit your reviews in a form of
article on your blog and for it they pay you money.You can earn hundreds or thousands of
dollars writing reviews. In addition, as you build up a reputation, and audience, your value
goes up.
How do they pay ..
Through paypal and in every two weeks.
what are standards and requirements
Reviews must be written according to the terms set by the advertiser.
Constructive criticism is encouraged, however, reviews that are hateful or non-constructive
will not be accepted.
Reviews must be permanent and archived.
Disclosure that the review is sponsored is mandatory.
How much can i earn online through it
It all depends on the size of your readership and the quality of content of your blog
posts, you can earn anywhere from $10 to $1000 per review.
No sub directory blogs allowed,subdomain blogs are allowed
Non indexed,little or no content blogs are not allowed.
Your blog must be older than 30 days and have at least 10 posts to apply.
Bloggers who remove posts after being paid will automatically be declined and will no longer
be accepted into the Smorty network.You have to also fulfill the There is a minimum
requirement of 150 words and a maximum of 400 for blog entry approval.
rest rules read here
You get to a minimum of $6 for your posts.
what is the process
Open an account
Get your account approved
Wait for suitable campaign offers
Enter articles details to Smorty admin for approval
Set up the Digxa mini store widget
Use the Post Exchange program
Get Paid for Blogging
just get paid to review the various products and services on your blog/site. You control
what you review.
How much i can earn
They say that you will be paid $20.00 to $200.00 for each completed review that you post on
your blog.There is also freedom to choose what you want to review or not.
Some basics requirements
Please don’t use nofollow links
Reviews must include grammar, language and spelling that are of presentable quality.
for more rules and regulation visit this page
Their payment is on monthly basis,via check (must be at least $25 though) or paypal (no
minimum) and sent monthly.
Some plus features:
Fast payments though paypal.
Fast and easy requirements blog must be cache in google with some page rank.
You don’t have to right reviews just cut copy paste.
Some limitations
takes more than six weeks to get approved
blog which have low, or no, Google Page rank and/or most of the indexed pages are
supplemental results, your blog may not be approved.
How can I make money with Blogging Ads?
You are paid for each blog post through this network.
2 to 4 weeks to pass before payment.
limit of 3 assignments per month.
How much will I get paid for each blogging ad posting
Most postings are $5.
Some plus points
How much i can earn
it is from $1 to ..
Payment through paypal
easy registration and approval system.
There are not any criteria given for approval.
Some negatives
You get paid 30 days after review have been approved.
only 5 blogs are allowed to be added.
whatever it is a good choice ..
They have different accounts for publishers they have divided it according to the needs of
publisher.You can check yourself here at
Sell ads and monetize your site with relatively little maintenance
Earn up to 70% of ad revenue recurring monthly in most situations
Get paid to blog and write reviews for products & services
Different options to get paid like Paypal, cheque, direct deposit or wire
Tons of advertisers, from Fortune 500 to small businesses
The more websites you list, the more money you earn
Manage all of your published ads and websites with our Control Center
They are on updates.
Get paid to write your opinions about products & services on your Blog.
We provide buyers for your Blog Posts.
It costs you nothing to join.
The more popular your Blog is, the more you get paid, but every Blog is valuable.
Receive checks within 48 to 72 hours Blog Distributor pays you once per week via PayPal.
How much do I get paid to write Blog Postings? The minimum cash out is $5. per Blog Posting,
but may be much more.
social security number
Blogger must be located in USA or Canada.
Blogs must be primarily text-based.
Those blogs which are primarily meant for audio and/or video-based, will not be accepted.
At least 20 Blog Postings (already) in your Blog in the last 90 days.
Earn cash by placing links on website cum blog.
Jobs are send through mails and payments through paypal.
Publisher can pass the job if he is not willing to do.
Depends all on your blog or website page rank
fresh content
No duplication of content
Better page rank means more money,
what they say …
They say that ” you can make hundreds or thousands of dollars each month doing something that you love”.
How can I make money blogging?
Just simple join this network
Check the value of your blog through our automated valuation system and start making money today!.
Our matching system makes it easy to find opportunities that match your blog content
Payment through paypal and on the 5th of each month,
well they calculate your blog value by adding a code in your blog this will help them to track your blog visitors and then they evaluate your blogs performance and price tags also.
Generate money from posting in forums
That’s was for the best blogging payment and money making options now we look how to make money through adsense even when we don’t own a website. We can do so with the help of the adsense revenue sharing forums..
the list of the revenue sharing forums is as follows we will discuss all of them in some upcoming posts.
some of the following are the forums which share money revenue from adsense
can it happen that the adsense help you get thousands of dollars is it a fake or real.
Check Out my HUGE Adsense Checks ($30,000 to $50,000) (from AdSense)
Check Out my HUGE Adsense Checks ($30,000 to $50,000)
can it happen that the adsense help you get thousands of dollars is it a fake or real.
Well i have started this post on the topics which everybody wants to read that the money
there are many people around internet that are saying that they have made thousands of
dollars a month and hundreds in a day how much they say it truely is just a matter of
They also provide some of the screenshots of their adsense earnings and talk a lot about it.
you can check a post here with the topic
Discover The Most Powerful Adsense Tips Which Helped me to rake more than 50K+ in a month!
There are more persons who generally say that they have made hundreds and thousand out of
google adsense non says from yahoo ha ha ha..
Whatever it is the fact that even if it is true then it is clear that you have to do
something extra ordinary to make this happen i don’t think that any person would like to
tell you the truth about how he is making money even if you are ready top pay for it.
Why do we consider them ?
just because we think that they can tell us the way to be successful in ad serving and
because they have made out of it they can help you also it is all false statements that a
person sitting over at one place and earning money can include some other person just for
nothing or just to talk about the google secrets and how to get on top.
There are some true affiliate marketers that can do it because of their experience but they
also some times make false statements.
Why not to trust these statements ?
1)Keep yourself in the shoes of that person who will be giving you the tips for being
2)Think if you are going to pay some money then why he don’t implemented the same technique
to generate and make more money out it.No body likes competitiors nor want to share some
distinct skills.
3)Be careful while dealing with such persons.
4)It is better to try something yourself use your friends knowledge and make something
really better target visitors make sure what you want to make your visitors to looks at.
5)Look for alternatives… There are many ways out for making money.
6)use different ads better composition of text ads and the image ads along with your
websites theme
7)Build proper links
8)The main thing content make content — fresh and visible.
does the CTR goes low and up in some season.
well it all depends on your website subject matter and the adwords advertisers competition
there is great possibility that in some season they pay high to google adwords system to
make sales and there will be enough competition for a specific keyword then due to that
competition the prices will go up and when a person click though those ads the publisher gets
more money out of it.
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Did you know that that you can make cash by locking selected areas of your blog or site?
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You can make $20 for each 20 minute survey!
ReplyDeleteGuess what? This is exactly what big companies are paying for. They need to know what their customer needs and wants. So large companies pay $1,000,000's of dollars every month to the average person. In return, the average person, myself included, fills out surveys and gives them their opinion.